Originally posted June 7, 2011.
I can’t talk about summer without talking about Grandma Pearl. Growing up, I was blessed to have both of my grandmothers alive and well. But Bushia, my maternal grandma, birthed 13 children, my mom being #10, and by the time my mom was in high school, there were already grandbabies from older siblings running amuck! Not that Bushia didn’t love us every bit as much as the first, we just weren’t much of a novelty! Whereas, Grandma Pearl only had 2 children, my Dad being 6 years older than his sister, so when my older brother, Keith, was born, with me just 14 months on his heals, why, Grandma Pearl couldn’t get enough of us!
In the summertime, we spent the night at Grandma Pearls, often. Because of that, so many of my summer memories involve her. If Grandma Pearl did anything beyond playing with us when we were over, she must have done it after we went to sleep… which was after the Tonight Show, which we watched in the pull-out bed, in her foyer, with the door to the street left open all night, so we could get a “nice cross-breeze”.
Today, I want to share her summer concoction, which in my mind’s eye, is the absolutely BESTEST summer drink EVER! (Even beats a fruity Sangria or salty Margarita, in my book My children liked it, but didn’t LOVE IT the way I did. So I didn’t make it all the time. Besides, if I made it all the time, I’m afraid it would lose its “specialness”. To this day, when I take a sip, I’m sitting out back in Grandma Pearl’s back yard, watching her water her prize winning roses, and thinking “life is good”. So, when I made up this batch, with the help of my grandbabies, I lifted my glass in toast to Grandma Pearl, hoping she is still mixing up pitchers in heaven
Best Summer Drink … EVER!
1 can frozen concentrate lemonade
1 can frozen concentrate grape juice
1 can frozen concentrate cranberry juice
Mix them all together, adding the amount of water listed on the cans.
On a hot summer day, fill a tall glass with ice cubes, and pour yourself a glass. Find a nice, shady spot in your backyard, then take a sip. Nectar of the gods, right?
After Bug made up a batch, we took it outside. We poured the drink over ice. They took their taste testing seriously.
And the results? Two hardy thumbs up. Phew! You can bet we will be making more of it over the summer
What was/is your favorite go-to drink in the summer? Feel free to share a recipe in the comments
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